This trick is to get a totally Free Online Virtual Computer that you can manage on your own: You can upload pictures, put music and audio files then edit them using some programs, change the theme to Windows, Linux or Mac with simple clicks. This website is called Cloudo, it's another way to manage your cloud on the Internet, it gives a very great and easy interface to make it more flexible with the user. Cloudo is especially dedicated to the Office use: Sending emails, writing and editing documents (txt, word, pdf...). All of this is made with a one simple tool that you can access from anywhere with your account.
3) After signing up, you'll be directly logged to your Virtual Computer.
4) As you can see in the picture above, The computer is ready to use and it's totally yours.
5) Here is the start menu, and you can see what you can do with it:
How to Get a Virtual Online Computer
1) Go to Cloudo and Click Signup
2) Fill in with your information to complete signup.
3) After signing up, you'll be directly logged to your Virtual Computer.
4) As you can see in the picture above, The computer is ready to use and it's totally yours.
5) Here is the start menu, and you can see what you can do with it: